Advertise in Chips

Advertising Rates and Policies:

Rates are discounted for advertisers who commit to running in four consecutive issues. New or changed ad copy must be submitted 2 weeks prior to publication without proof and 4 weeks prior with proof.

All ad copy is subject to publisher approval for appropriate content. Payment must be submitted with ad copy.

Publication Size: 8 ½” x 11”
Format: 2 Column
Color: Black & White, Halftones

Click here to download Rate Card  

Publication Dates:
January 1
April 1
July 1
October 1

Our membership represents over 8000 individual men and women and over 20,000 individuals who are members of affiliated clubs.

Rate Changes:
Rates may change based on current circulation but will not affect advertising submitted with payment prior to the rate change.

(913) 608-1910 or