
Donate to the PAC

If you believe in our mission, please consider an individual or recurring gift to advance our cause.

Online donations may be made using a credit or debit card at the link above. You may also send KSRA PAC a check or money order. Please make checks payable to KSRA PAC and mail to:

PO BOX 219

Your donations make an important difference in our fight to protect our Second Amendment rights. Your gift directly impact our ability to elect pro-gun members of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.

Contact the PAC

Please don’t hesitate to contact the PAC Chair with any questions or concerns: ksrapac@ksraweb.org

About the PAC

ksra-pac-logo-high-resolution-no-backgroundThe KSRA Political Action Committee (PAC) is a voluntary, nonprofit, unincorporated council of individual citizens. The PAC is an independent, autonomous organization not affiliated with any political party or candidate.

The purpose of The Kansas State Rifle Association PAC

  • To promote and protect the firearms, hunting, and sport shooting industries through legislative and political action.
  • To defend Second Amendment principles by encouraging and equipping qualified individuals to run for public office, encouraging the public to take a more active and effective part in governmental affairs.
  • To encourage Kansans to know and understand the nature and actions of their government, important political issues, and the records of officeholders and candidates for elected office.
  • To assist individuals across our state in organizing themselves for more effective political action, and in carrying out their civic responsibilities.